Setting SMART Goals for Life Change

Setting a SMART goal to create change in your life from living your life to LOVING your life.

Knowing how to SMART set goals, write goals and accomplish your goals is what will set you apart as someone who knows how to get things done. It’s a gift to yourself that once you have learn’t you’ll have for the rest of your life to keep you on track and follow your dreams!

Sometimes we know we have to change something in our life but we’re not sure exactly where to start and how to proceed.

Do you think you can tackle just about anything to get things done without any help? You then find yourself in a difficult situation and suddenly realize you can’t fix something without setting goals to help keep you on track and follow through the desired goal.

The same holds true for setting goals in life. There are many people who think they don’t need help to achieve their dreams or desires. They will do things on a wing and a prayer and wonder why time after time they are not successful at accomplishing their goal.

Go after the things in life you want! Commit to yourself for that life you LOVE.

What if I said I could help set some clear and easy steps to follow and get you started TODAY towards your goal?

Start following these steps today to achieve your goals, however big or small:

Smart goal

S – Specific…. Create a defined and clear goal set by you for you. (Not one that someone told you to have, It may not actually be your goal. It may be theirs).

M – Measurable…. Find out what it is you need to do to achieve the goal. Research, informational interviews? Knowledge is powerful for moving forward.

A –  Achievable….. Set yourself up for success that this is something you CAN do and you’re clear you want to.

R – Realist….  Within your availability of financial, knowledge and available time. If not, how can you?

T – Time bound…. set realistic times for the goal, not too short a time that it’s not achievable and not too long a time that you are not productive and lose excitement and momentum.

To help you keep on track with your goal, let family, friends or your life coach know what you are doing to help keep you accountable by setting regular check-ins.

Good luck!

Do you need help setting SMART Goals? Book a Discovery Session here.

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